Sunday, June 24, 2012


Starting tomorrow, I will be gluten free for three month! This means no wheat, no generic bread from the grocery store, and no pizza.  NO PIZZA!

Why going gluten free all the sudden?

The answer is simple. Trying to find a health alternative to my current diet. 

Ever since Sophomore year of college, I was diagnosed with gastritis. I often feel bloated with chronic stomach pains. Often, the pain gets so excruciating that I have to go to sleep on my stomach. After the doctor told me I have Helicobacter pylori from my endoscopy exam at the age of 25, I started to take my health more seriously and cut down on some of the food that really irritate my sensitive stomach. No coffee, no caffeinated tea, and just say no to Sriracha! (Although I do have both the bottle Sriracha and the paste Sriracha in my fridge in case I feel the urge to sprinkle some on my fried rice.) 

For three month, I am telling myself I will try to cook more at home. I will become one of those really annoying customers at restaurants where they question the waiter/waitress all the ingredients in a certain dish.

I hope to feel better and discover new food I normally would never try before. 
It wouldn't be that bad if along the way I can loose five lbs in the next three months. 

So au revoir french baguettes, zia jiang chinese garlic noodles, ciao pesto linguine... I will see you on the other side!


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