Tuesday, June 26, 2012


One of the most annoying things about going gluten free is you have to check the label on the box for various ingredients. I am just going to assume most things in a box I can't eat in the next three months. What I forgot last night was the fresh marinated chicken I had in the fridge from my local farmer's market. Of course my first instinct was "protein! chicken! no gluten!" Excited as I was chewing down the giant chicken salad last night without thinking, I suddenly asked myself "what was the sauce they used to marinate the chicken? Does it taste like BBQ?" I had no idea! 

I was flat out gluten confused!

Afterwards, I quickly realized I had marinated three pieces of Korean short ribs with the new BBQ sauce I bought from Whole Foods the other day. I became a nervous cow when I picked up the bottle to read the label. As I went through each item carefully, the word "wheat" was clearly missing. Not trusting my own eyes, I opened my computer and google'd the BBQ sauce brand. It was gluten free! Not only did I feel relieved, I felt very optimistic about this whole thing...
...until I got an e-mail from my boyfriend. (Let's call him boyfriend #17 on this blog.)

Boyfriend #17 is also going gluten free for three months due to his chronic joint pains. Go ahead, you have total liberty to call us "one of those couples". You can also add the word "obnoxious" into the sentence. So he wrote to me about his gluten free lunch yesterday. Boyfriend #17 made a rice cracker (from Trader Joes), turkey meat, avocado, cheese, hummus, Sriracha sandwich.   

I asked him: "Was it good?"
He said: "Haha. No. Not really. wasn't very good. Looks good tho."

So my optimism quickly demolished after reading his response. I guess there will be a lot more interesting explorations into this new world of no wheat. 

In the next couple of weeks, I will be reviewing new gluten free products that you can buy from your local grocery store. 


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