Sunday, July 1, 2012



I would like to thank boyfriend #17 who redesigned this blog. I think it looks great!! Yay! Thank you!

We went to our first summer BBQ yesterday as a gluten free couple. The theme of the party was "hot as hell". Many people wore red and black outfits to get into spirit. Once we arrived, the first food item I spotted were those mouth watering BBQ ribs. Without a second thought, I told myself, "Umm... I can't wait to try those!"

After getting our watermelon margaritas, I went straight to the food table hoping to get a piece of the rib. The more I stared at the grill, the more I reminded myself I couldn't have any ribs because I didn't know what type of BBQ sauce they used to marinate the meat. Instead of hungrily swallowing rib after rib at the party, I decided to have a simple hot dog without the bun. BORING! YAWN! I WAS VERY ANNOYED.

Boyfriend #17 reminded me that we can go home and cook our 2nd gluten free meal together. With two tray full of ribs sitting next to me, the thought of "making food at home" didn't sound that appealing. 

What I didn't expect is that gluten free dinner at home turned out to be super yummy! We had chicken fried brown rice! I sauteed the Trader Joe's Frozen Organic Brown Rice (after the rice was cooked in the microwave) in San-J Gluten Free Soy Sauce along with eggs, onions, red bell pepper, and fresh corns. I was relieved that the soy sauce tasted normal. 

I really need to get used to the idea of not eating much at friends' summer parties.

 - ThatChineseGurl

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